The Takeover Challenge puts children and young people into real-life decision-making positions in organisations. Children gain a valuable insight and gain experience of a workplace, while organisations benefit from a fresh perspective on their work.
The Children’s Commissioner for England is looking for 10 teens in care or care leavers to take part in the 2020 Whitehall Takeover, providing the chance to be put at the heart of decision-making in government.
For more information on the 2020 Whitehall Takeover and details on how to take part visit IMO, our website for teens in care and care leavers.
Since the first Takeover Challenge, thousands of children have taken part – stepping into the shoes of a wide range of adult jobs including everything from MPs, mayors, TV presenters and teachers to chief executives, business leaders and government officials.
The First News Children’s Newspaper lead the way in supporting schools and others to take part in Takeover and create real and lasting opportunities.